
Supporting start-ups and financing innovation
Poralu Marine is a proud supporter of young, start-up companies that adhere to our core values and offer solutions in the following domains:
- Protecting seas and oceans
- Collection of waste and garbage from harbours and coastal communities.
Since 2018, Poralu Marine has invested over €150,000 to finance, co-develop, and produce innovative, environmental marine solutions.

Construction of floating solar panel farms
Presented with a unique project in 2012, and in its constant pursuit to offer solutions to complex challenges and needs; Poralu Marine installed a floating solar panel farm in Canoe Brook, New Jersey, USA. The platform for the solar panels was constructed using marine-grade aluminium and supported by roto-molded polyethene floaters/ floatation devices. The result: Clean production of photovoltaic energy whilst preserving the eco-habitat of the local environment.
By 2020, Poralu Marine will be installing a floating solar power plant facility at Lake Toules in Switzerland – a mountainous location, more than 1,800 metres above sea level, and also the world’s first floating power plant.

Activity grouping together innovative and complementary green technologies for the collection of marine waste in ports, marinas, inland waterways and on sandy beaches.

The mooring star
Designed and shaped like a star, ‘the mooring star’ is a boat anchorage product that allows multiple vessels to tie up to a mooring buoy with a single anchor point. This unique product allows for marinas, or marine parks to increase their moorage supply whilst limiting their impact on the surrounding environment.

Mega yacht anchorages
Nautiscaphe (a subsidiary of Poralu Marine) has designed and developed anchoring systems specifically for mega yachts. A steel alloy, screw-in embedment with helical blades, these anchoring solutions offer pull coefficients and strength that is significantly higher than other similar products – thereby accommodating mega yachts. And their minimal footprint which also promotes eco-habitat, preserves the seabed.
This anchoring system can be used for a range of other permanent or temporary marine uses such as connecting mooring buoys for marine parks, or for beacons to collect weather data to track patterns or issue alerts.

Unique and tailor-made solutions
Poralu Marine designed and built a customised landing structure for the Dilbar, a 157m mega-yacht. In order to ensure safe moorage at the Billionaires Wharf in Port Vauban d’Antibes; Poralu Marine’s technical innovations team engineered, built and installed, ‘nautical cushions’ that covered the eleven docks and concrete float stabilisers which the Dilbar was tied to – protecting the majestic vessel’s hull.

Mobi-Deck® is an innovative moorage management system. Simply put, it increases the moorage capacity of a marina by 30-40% without any major works to the marina itself. The docks are mobile and move along a motorised, floating track system. They can move with boats tied to the docks, thereby creating a common maneuvering channel for boats to pass through.